Cessna 02 Cockpit — "DO NOT JAR - HANDLE LIKE EGGS!"
Having satisfied myself that I'd finally come to an understanding of the Cessna 02 instrument panels, I set back to work. Perversely, I did not attack the pilot-side major shock panel first, but began work on minor shock panels instead, of which, the 02 possesses two.
I suppose that I just needed to consolidate my gains by doing something useful — easily and rapidly!
One of these small panels stacks atop the major shock panel and contains two of the very fragile gyroscopic instruments — the artificial horizon and the compass.
As is often written in blood red ink on the sides of such instruments ~
But, a shock panel atop a shock panel?
Clearly, USAF expected a very rough ride for the 02...
The other resides at the top-middle of the main panel and contains another, but quite bewildering looking (vacuum instrument?) that was deemed so important at that time, that it commanded its own shock-panel and two paired post lamps.
A VIP of a gauge...
Just rectangles of hardboard with holes in them!
The most difficult thing to do was to accurately chamfer the corners...
Within a few pleasant hours of starting to learn the craft of the chopping up of chopping boards, I'd had the instruments developing nicely and going swiftly toward most satisfactory conclusions.
I found the combination of sheet hardboard and sheet plastic both predictable and rapid to work with. Ideal prototyping materials, in fact.
In just one balmy June afternoon of pleasant toil, I'd had them pretty much nailed, visually speaking...
All that was now required was a little in the way of refinement, and they would serve their purpose.

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